NDIS: Understanding the Value of Non Face-to-Face Supports

Sistability’s unwavering commitment to enhancing the health, safety, and overall quality of living environments for our clients remains paramount. This dedication extends beyond the visible, embodying a full spectrum of non face-to-face supports that are critical to the comprehensive service we provide. Although these supports may not always be directly observable, they are integral components of our robust support framework, ensuring that every aspect of care and service delivery is managed professionally and efficiently.

We Have Your Back

Here at Sistability, we do more than provide domestic care; we are deeply committed to genuinely supporting every aspect of our clients' lives. This commitment is vividly illustrated through our detailed reporting process, which often uncovers additional needs within our clients’ homes—needs that go beyond our routine assistance.

By meticulously assessing and reporting on the conditions of the homes we service, we ensure that no need goes unnoticed. Our reports can prompt actions such as:

  • Removal of Excess Waste: We identify and facilitate the removal of unnecessary clutter, crucial for maintaining a healthy living environment.

  • Decluttering Services: Our observations can kick-start a decluttering process, helping to organize and simplify our clients' living spaces, thereby enhancing their comfort and safety.

  • Hoarding Clean-Ups: In more severe cases, our detailed observations enable us to address hoarding behaviours by coordinating specialized cleaning services.

These measures are pivotal for the safety, health, and well-being of our clients, demonstrating Sistability’s all-encompassing support. We ensure our clients receive the comprehensive care and support needed to thrive in their homes.


Examples of Non Face-to-Face Supports at Sistability

  • Household Condition Reports: We provide detailed assessments of a client's living environment, identifying any potential risks or needs for maintenance to ensure that any issues are addressed promptly, keeping the home safe and comfortable.

  • Environmental Safety and Wellbeing Updates: Regular updates are crucial for adapting care plans to changing needs, especially for clients who may not always communicate shifts in their health or preferences directly.

  • Coordination of Services: We manage appointments and services from other providers, liaising with family members or other carers to ensure a cohesive approach to each client’s care plan.


Importance of These Services

  • Proactive Care Management: These reports and updates aid in anticipating and addressing needs before they become urgent, thus avoiding complications and ensuring better outcomes for clients.

  • Efficient Resource Allocation: By managing services remotely, we optimize our workforce and focus in-person care where it's most needed, enhancing overall service efficiency.

  • Enhanced Communication: Keeping all parties informed and involved in the care process fosters a supportive environment and ensures alignment with the client's care goals.


Why We Must Charge for Non Face-to-Face Supports

  • Resource Allocation: The time our staff spends on activities like report writing, communications, and management of additional supports is significant—ranging from 5 to 30+ hours per year per client. This involves dedicated personnel who specialize in ensuring that the services provided are tailored to each client's unique needs.

  • Quality Assurance: Non face-to-face supports include monitoring and documenting household conditions, safety updates, and changes that might affect a client’s well-being. These tasks are crucial for maintaining the high standards of service and safety we promise at Sistability.

  • Communication and Coordination: Effective service delivery requires ongoing communication with clients, support coordinators, and secondary contacts. It also includes the coordination with suppliers and additional support services, ensuring that all aspects of client care are addressed seamlessly and promptly.

  • Financial Sustainability: As much as we have endeavoured to absorb these costs, the financial reality of providing these extensive services compels us to charge for them to maintain the quality and sustainability of the services we offer.

Understanding the necessity of charging for these essential supports ensures that we can continue to provide high-quality, comprehensive care to all our clients without compromising the quality and responsiveness you have come to expect from Sistability.


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