Enhancing Home Living: Support Services for Families of HCP and CHSP Recipients

Navigating the realm of aged care involves much more than medical assistance; it encompasses creating a supportive home environment that promotes independence and wellbeing for the elderly. Home Care Packages (HCP) and Commonwealth Home Support Programmes (CHSP) are designed to aid older Australians in living comfortably at home. While Sistability is not an aged care provider, we specialise in partnering with registered aged care providers to offer essential non-medical services such as professional cleaning, gardening, domestic assistance, social and community support, and transport. This blog will guide you through these supportive services, showing how they can enhance the daily life of your loved ones.


Understanding HCP and CHSP: Essential Services at Home

Both HCP and CHSP aim to assist elderly individuals to remain in their homes by offering support that ranges from basic assistance to comprehensive care, depending on their needs. Here’s how Sistability complements these programs through our support services:

Home Care Packages (HCP)

These packages provide more comprehensive support for those with complex care needs and include a variety of services that can be tailored to the individual’s requirements, including the non-medical supportive services that Sistability offers.

Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP)

Designed for those who need light assistance to maintain their independence at home, CHSP provides services like cleaning and transportation, which are among Sistability's specialties.


The Role of Families in Enhancing Home Support

While HCP and CHSP offer the framework for care, families play a critical role in ensuring their loved ones receive the right type of support. Sistability’s services are designed to work alongside these care programs to ensure a holistic approach to home living.

Coordinating Support Services

Families often take the lead in coordinating various services that make daily life easier and more enjoyable for their elderly loved ones. Sistability can help streamline this process by providing reliable and high-quality non-medical support.

Tailoring Services to Fit Individual Needs

Each individual’s needs are unique, and so the flexibility of our services allows families to customise support according to their specific preferences and requirements.


Sistability: Your Partner in Home Support

Sistability’s mission is to enhance the quality of life for those receiving aged care by offering essential support services. Here’s how we can assist:

Comprehensive Non-Medical Support

We offer a range of services, including professional cleaning, gardening, domestic assistance (including meal prep, light housekeeping and cleaning tasks, grocery shopping), and more, to ensure that your loved ones can enjoy a clean and safe home environment.

Community and Social Support

Maintaining social connections is vital for mental health. Sistability facilitates social and community engagement to keep your loved ones connected and active.

Reliable Transportation Services

Our transport services ensure that appointments and social outings are accessible to those who may otherwise find it challenging to travel. Additionally, we can assist with arranging third-party transport services for our clients. 


Frequently Asked Questions

  • Evaluating the needs of your loved one is the first step. Consider their daily living activities, medical needs, and personal preferences. Consultation with a care manager can also provide clarity.

  • Sistability works alongside registered aged care providers to integrate our services into existing HCP or CHSP care plans, ensuring a seamless support experience that enhances your loved one's quality of life.

  • Our focus is on enhancing the living conditions of elderly individuals at home. We provide high-quality, reliable support services that complement medical care and help maintain independence.

  • Our team is flexible and responsive to the changing needs of our clients. We can adjust services as required to ensure that your loved one's home environment remains comfortable and supportive.

  • Our team consists of experienced and qualified professionals who are dedicated to providing high-quality care. We regularly review our practices and gather feedback to improve our services.

  • Currently, Sistability operates in specific regions, but we are expanding. Please visit our locations page or contact us directly to check availability in your area.

  • Absolutely! Sistability values client feedback and uses it to continually improve our services. We encourage families to share their experiences and suggestions.


Support services play a vital role in enhancing the living conditions of elderly individuals at home. With Sistability, families of HCP and CHSP recipients can access tailored non-medical support that ensures their loved ones not only receive the care they need but also enjoy a quality of life that they deserve. Whether through cleaning, gardening, or facilitating social interactions, Sistability is here to help every step of the way.


Everyone deserves to live comfortably in their own home, regardless of age or ability. Our dedicated team is here to ensure that your loved one’s home remains a place of comfort and safety.


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