What’s so good about Spring Cleaning anyway?

You don’t need to wait until Springtime for a Spring Clean. Also known as ‘heavy-duty’, ‘thorough’ or ‘deep’ cleaning, spring cleaning can be done at any time of the year and offers a number of health benefits to the occupants of the home.

Did you know that a freshly cleaned home can strengthen your immune system and help you avoid illnesses? Yep, it’s true. A decluttered and deep cleaned house can also reduce stress and depression as well as help avoid injuries.

Spring cleaning makes you happy

A clean home has been found to have positive effects on our mental health by helping us gain a sense of control over our environment. 

Removing clutter reduces distracting and overwhelming stimuli and helps establish a positive, healthy foundation where you spend the majority of your time.

Spring cleaning makes you healthy

Spring cleaning combats dust, mould, mildew and pet dander - all common triggers for people prone to allergies. Removing these allergens from the home can make you feel healthier and prevent respiratory issues, as well as support a healthy immune system.

Spring cleaning reduces stress

Enjoy a tidier, more organised and clean environment and no doubt this is going to relieve you of some stress. 

There's no better feeling than the one that comes from a clean home.

Spring cleaning helps you focus

Clearing out the clutter and getting into the deep corners of your home to remove dust build-up means that you are able to free up the brain for more essential decision-making and gives you time to focus on the other more important things.


Aromatherapy for stress, anxiety and wellbeing


Seasonal Planting Guide: Spring herbs, fruit & veggies